Miriam Naaman (Nyman)

Born 1926 Miriam Shpiegel (Szpiegel, Shpigel, Spiegel) Warsaw, Poland.

Immigrated to Israel 1934.

1949-54 Hebrew University, Jerusalem. BA Sociology (minor in Philosophy and Psychology)
1957-68 Sculpture, in the studio of Frank di Bugno, New York, NY
1967-69 Art Students’ League, New York, NY
1970-72 Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY. Master of Library Science

Solo Exhibitions
1960 Theodore Herzl Institute, 515 Park Avenue, New York, NY
1961 Union of American Hebrew Congregation, New York, NY
1967 Galerie International, 1095 Madison Avenue, New York, NY
1970 Galerie International (March 10-21), 1095 Madison Avenue, New York, NY
1976 The New Galerie, Tel Aviv, Israel
1979 Ein Harod Museum, Ein Harod, Israel
1980 Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
1980 Ipanema, Tel Aviv, Israel, Sculptures and rugs
1983 Old Jaffa Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
1984 Kibbutz Gadot and Kibbutz Machanim
1985 IAPS, Tel Aviv, Israel
1987 Recycling Room, Junior Department, Museum of Israel, Jerusalem
1992-3 (December 6-January 6) The Biblical Museum, 16 Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv, Israel
2007 (March 1-14) Ephrat Gallery, 21 Gordon Street, Tel Aviv, Israel

Group Exhibitions
With Sara Spivak, Studio 27, 27 Rokach Street, Tel Aviv, Israel

Galerie Internationale, New York, NY
Ein Harod Museum, Israel
Private Collections

1966-1975 Annual exhibition catalogues, Galerie Internationale, New York, NY
1982 ISART
1988 IAPS
Israel Painters and Sculptors Association Tel Aviv Branch, The Artists’ Book, Tel Aviv, Israel
Petru Russu Contemporary Artists Vol.I, World of Art Books, Stockholm, Sweden

Other experience
July 1977-May 1946 Palmach military service. Served in Hait Company, Zain Company, Palmach Headquarters’ Scout Unit, Convoy Escort’s Unit. Last duty, radio operator in Ramat Rahel.
December 1947-May 1979 Called back to service as sergeant
1949-1950 civilian employed in Israeli army
1969-72 Librarian New York Public Library, 42nd Street and 5th Avenue, New York, NY
Founder and curator, picture collection, Sha’ar Zion – Beit Ariela Library, Tel Aviv, Israel