This looks like its the oldest one. The date is 1918, and is from Lodz where my grandfather was born. It is a membership card in some kind of Yiddish organization.
From Lodz, in Polish.
By 1921 he was in Warsaw.
This might be from 1922. It has a page with family information, and it looks like his father’s name was Jakob-Maier, his mother’s name was Chana-Rajzla, and his birthday was 24 grudina 1891. What is grudina?
By 1923 my grandfather had a bowtie and a wispy mustache.
He was a journalist at the Yiddish paper, Haynt.
He belonged to the Association of Jewish Writers and Journalists. Isaac Bashevis Singer was also a member, and you can see his membership card on the YIVO website. Someone named Bernard Singer signed my grandfather’s card. Bernard Singer is also somewhat known, and does not seem to be related to Isaac Bashevis Singer.